
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Laying a Firm Foundation:

Each day, we would walk through the hills collecting rocks so Harvesters Church can add on to their building. Some days the kids would come help us during their break time. They loved to spend time with us even if that meant helping us carry rocks for a bit. 

Gardening & Pulling Up Weeds:

Some mornings or afternoons, instead of finding rocks, we were asked to help out in the school’s garden. We spent time mostly pulling up lots of weeds. We would sometimes relate weeding to our lives by saying we were pulling up all the weeds in ourselves that are rooted in lies instead of God’s truth. Leaving room only for the plant or good seed to grow. So many sermons and life lessons came out of weeding this garden. 

School Ministry:


These are the kids from Harvesters school. They are precious. At the end of our last week, the teachers helped the kids put on an assembly for us to say goodbye. Each day we taught them songs, and over the few weeks, they had practiced to perform them for us. The ones they loved the most were Deep Cries Out, Way Maker, and Every Move I Make. After their songs, a few kids read something they had written for us, and then the students prayed over us as we were preparing to leave. To close, the played “The Blessing” by Kari Jobe, and each student got in line to hug everyone of us. There were many tears, but it was a very sweet goodbye to all the students and teachers.

Prayer Walks & Scenery:

Lesotho is such a beautiful country, and God showed us just how pretty this place is as we walked the towns some afternoons to pray over the city. Here is a few scenery pictures, but they just don’t do it justice. 

Adventure Day:

We were able to have one adventure day this month to a place called Sani Pass. Some of the friends we made and the Pastor’s kids were able to go with us this day. We had such a fun time seeing a waterfall, overlooking the views, and enjoying a meal together at the top of the mountain. 

Living Life:

It’s always fun to share where we stayed and what our time looked like in each country. Here is the mission house we lived in, along with what it looked like to wash our clothes, and collect rain water. 

Family Dinners/Game Nights:

This was part of my favorite time in this country. We really came to know this Pastor and his family and friends as well over the three weeks we were here. Some of my favorite memories will always be our family night dinners and game or dessert nights we would have together. We laughed and talked for hours just enjoying fellowship with one another. 

Church Ministry, Preaching, Teaching, & Youth Group:

Oh how I love church ministry. These are photos from our time preaching at different churches on Sunday mornings. We were always asked to share a message, testimony, or encouragement to every congregation we walked into. There are also a couple of pictures from our time with the youth group and church leadership. 



This is a special picture for our team. Team Rooted. Each World Race team is invited to sign the wall of the house at the end of their journey in Mokhotlong. Our team found these necklaces in South Africa that perfectly fit our team name. We just knew that we wanted this to be what we left on the wall of that house. We are Rooted in the love of Christ, and pray that this city would be too. Ephesians 3:17-19

Hope you enjoy the pictures! Thanks for following along with this incredible journey the Lord has me on. Again, I appreciate all of you so much for keeping up with this race. We’ll be heading to the country of Eswatini on Friday. Until next blog!