
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Currently, we are in all squad month of the race, which means our whole squad of 18 plus our 2 squad leaders are all staying and working at the same ministry location this month! 

This month we are partnering with a ministry in Nicaragua called Light & Salt Ministries. Their mission is to disciple, help, train, and empower Nicaraguans to break their cycles of mental, spiritual, and physical poverty. Their vision is to provoke a reform in Nicaragua through Christian education and poverty relief. They have many different types of ministry outreach, but their primary ministry is an all boys formation school (kind of like a version of after-school programming) that focuses on teaching life skills, worship/prayer, education, and more. They have a morning and an afternoon class Monday through Friday for about 40 or so boys between the ages of 9 and 15. Here is their new facility and some of the boys!

This ministry also helps inform and educate the parents, provide local jobs, and provide community outreach. They have two other programs which includes one for women that usually involves a sowing class and a program called mercy in action that serves the needs of the elderly in the community. The majority of the population they serve usually come from extreme poverty and abusive situations. 


Our squad is assisting this ministry in whatever way possible to help them in their vision and mission for their ministry this month. We have been split into different groups of work: painting, construction, ministry’s host’s nanny, gatekeeper, kitchen helper, classroom teachers, and office assistant for the ministry’s social media. Each play a vital role in helping our ministry host continue to make an impact in the community here.


Life here at Light & Salt is super busy and days are pretty long and tiring. Our day starts around 7:30am for breakfast, ministry work from 8 to 5, dinner at 5:30, shower, time with our team, and bed (pretty early). We get Saturdays and Sundays for rest, and then it starts back over Monday morning. 


It’s such a busy month but already such a rewarding month to see the impact that this ministry is making in their community and in their students. Super thankful that we get to partner with them this month to play a role in the ways God is already at work within this place. Also super thankful for all of you back home who choose to partner with me through prayer as me and my team continue in this journey God has us on each month of the race. A BIG thanks to all of you. 


More pictures and info about what life is like here in Nicaragua to come soon! 

9 responses to “Life in Nicaragua”

  1. I’m reading this on a Monday morning and cannot think of a better way to start the week than hearing your good news. You sound busy and happy like the Caroline I know and love. Praying your time in Nicaragua continues to fulfill your quest for doing God’s work as He leads you.

  2. I love this update and really loved seeing the pics! You continue to be in my heart and prayers… always! I love you and I am so proud of you!
    By the way, Madison went to Statesboro for a campus tour and loved it!!

  3. Awesome pictures and ministry! Praise God from whom all blessings flow! Great to hear from you!

  4. Wonderful to hear about your amazing adventure. Think about you often and pray for you daily.
    Love and miss you.

  5. Sweet Caroline!
    I know you are a blessing to these boys and the entire salt and light ministry. I can see you relating to them and pointing them to Jesus just as you did with our youth here. Your legacy lives on here and will do so there as well!

  6. Caroline, I know this has been a challenging month but what a blessing your team has been to the Nicaraguan people. I pray that the Lord will continue to bless this ministry.

  7. I love how your month is going in Nicaragua and what you and the squad are doing. Of course, the pics are worth a 1000 words! Thanks for sharing!