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Here are some pictures from our time in Dario, Nicaragua this past month. From things we ate, to where we slept, to how we washed clothes, to work, to play. Today was our last day of ministry, and we head out to Colombia on Saturday! 

Claire & I dug this 32’ hole for a septic tank on our first day of ministry. 

Lubbock & I weeding in front of the ministry. 

More weeding & more weeding with a machete. 

Our scrub board for hand washing our clothes daily. (I’m not good at this lol)

Where we hung our clothes to dry & prayed it didn’t rain. 

Loved the food here! We had LOTS of rice and beans, always a tortilla, sometimes veggies, chicken, and fruit. 

Washing some dishes in the kitchen. 

This is a dance party from a birthday party we threw for the boys. 

Playing pin the tail on the donkey at the boys birthday party. (I drew the donkey.)

The boys LOVE soccer. 

 The boys classroom. 

 Our bedroom full of all the sleeping pads and sleeping bags.

The other bedroom because we couldn‘t fit all 20 of us in one room. 

 Our concrete shower.

 Just walking down the streets of Dario. Nicaragua is full of color. 

 Praying over the educational director of the ministry. 

Helping prepare for a Beauty for Ashes women’s retreat for the boys moms/grandmas. 

So many women showed up for the retreat!

We were able to have a couple of adventure days this month too. One at a local lake and one at a pool! 

 One of the many taxi trips I took to the bank as the team treasurer.

Having fun with balloons at another birthday party. This one was for our ministry hosts daughter. 

How excited we were to have coke in the middle of the work day.

 Painting the front wall of the ministry. 

Light & Salt ministries also has a program called Mercy in Action. Each week they pack up pounds and pounds of rice, beans, and oil and walk the neighborhoods of Dario to bring food and the Gospel to different elderly or disabled in the community who are a neglected population of Nicaragua. This was by far my favorite part of the ministry this month. After giving them the food, we were able to share scripture and pray with them. These are five of the women we visited. 

 One night my team dressed up and went to dinner.

My friend found a Halloween Reese’s for me in a random candy store in town. I love October & Halloween and was so surprised by this sweet gift. Thanks Lubbock! Also, realized I was representing GSU in this picture. Go eagles! 

One of the boys from the ministry gave me this picture today for our last day here. The boys made them for our whole squad. 

If you’ve made it this far, thanks for making it through all the pictures! As you saw, this month has been full of lots of construction work, painting, eating, birthdays, and fun with our squad and ministry host. Can’t wait to see what our time in Colombia will look like! Our next ministry is focused on restoring individuals and communities. This ministry has recovery programs, feeding programs, homeschool, spiritual formation, micro enterprise, homeless shelter, and prison ministry. Prayers as we travel to our next ministry for another all squad month! 

15 responses to “Photo Blog from Nicaragua”

  1. Caroline great pictures, We love following this beautiful Journey of you and the group, and we’re glad you are all doing well. We miss you guys but we are happy you’re doing a incredible experience, serving God’s poor people. Many Blessings for all your efforts and work in this Wonderful Ministry.??????

  2. Caroline, these photos tell a wonderful story! You have found your niche! Your countenance is absolutely glowing in these pictures. We miss you so much but are happy for you having this incredible experience serving God’s poor. Grandbob and I love you. Take care! ??

  3. Caroline! You look so good and happy! Thank you for sharing these pictures. We will continue to pray for you as your journey continues! Thank you for being the hands and feet of Christ and sharing with us too! We miss you!!!

  4. Looks like you had a great time, and did a lot of work.Glad you are all doing good,I don’t think I would be good at washing my clothes that way either.

  5. Great pictures! Just the beginning of a Spiritual Journey that will last you a life time. Thanks for sharing.

  6. Theses are awesome pictures of the amazing ministry your team is a part of! God Bless each of you!

  7. Thank you for sharing I love getting these updates and seeing all the great things you and your team are doing. Keep up the great work and prays that you all stay safe.

  8. Love pictures. You look happy and oh so busy. I pray God will continue to bless you and your group. I miss you.

  9. You ladies have hit the ground running after your COVID days, blessings for all your efforts and work in the ministry. Sam

  10. Love following this journey with you!! So proud of you and what you are out doing in this world of ours! You truly are a disciple for Jesus Christ!

  11. how much fuller could life get? You worked hard, played hard, ate well, and made a permanent impact on Cuiadad Dario! Won’t it be fun to go back in 20 years and say, ‘yup we painted that, and fell in love with those people!’

  12. how much fuller could life get? You worked hard, played hard, ate well, and made a permanent impact on Cuiadad Dario! Won’t it be fun to go back in 20 years and say, ‘yup we painted that, and fell in love with those people!’